2 |
26984 |
24 Carrot Magic, Sadie Brunson - 10/12/24 |
A |
23094 |
A King's Legend, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
24990 |
A Little Sass, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
23838 |
A Step Above, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
24872 |
A Step Above, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
24478 |
A Step in Time, Sydney Hannon - 12/01/11 |
23818 |
Abbey (Life) |
24500 |
Ace of Hearts, Delaney Williams - 12/09/24 |
22812 |
Action Man, Kat DeMas Mulkey - 11/25/15 |
23676 |
Adagio, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
23023 |
After the Gold, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
23474 |
After Thought, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
23471 |
Aftermath, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
27015 |
AJ Finest Taffy, Mary Lane Hathaway - 01/06/25 |
25082 |
Albrecht, Kathleen Feeley - 11/30/09 |
23776 |
Alfalfa Sprout, Terry Brown - 11/30/09 |
26724 |
Alingui NRW, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
22243 |
All American, Paige Reader - 11/30/09 |
26885 |
All Chips In, Julie Mohr - 12/10/24 |
25122 |
All In, Emma Grace Allen - 11/14/13 |
23654 |
All In Fun, Lauren Rasmus - 11/30/09 |
26579 |
All in Stride, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
24578 |
All Mine, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
23907 |
All the Best, Christina Fisher - 11/30/09 |
23774 |
Almost Dressed, Ben Walter Goggel - 11/30/09 |
24392 |
Amadeo, Maggie Diehl - 07/09/19 |
24458 |
American Honey, William Russell III - 12/01/15 |
26280 |
American Soldier, Melissa Thomas - 12/13/24 |
25194 |
Anderin's To The Max, Isabel Conrath - 12/05/24 |
23620 |
Andre, Cha Cha Parmer - 08/23/11 |
25258 |
Andy Warhol, Susan Fried - 11/30/09 |
25945 |
Angelica, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
22285 |
Angie, Ben Walter Goggel - 11/30/09 |
23347 |
Anonymous, Chandler Wood - 11/30/09 |
23349 |
Apricot Brandy, Lauren Kamber - 03/21/16 |
26603 |
Argentik ES, Adriana Castro - 12/04/24 |
26965 |
Argento T, Meera Iyer - 12/03/24 |
24976 |
Armani, Lindsey Irvin - 11/30/09 |
26941 |
Ask Nicely, Jamie DeRue - 11/04/24 |
22362 |
Ask Seek Knock, Jean Avent - 11/30/09 |
23723 |
Atlantic Bullet, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
26267 |
Atrei, Grace Garner - 12/20/24 |
25475 |
Auspicious, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
25364 |
Authentic, Debbie Moraitis - 11/07/24 |
25325 |
Avallach's Irish Alex, Camryn Kraski - 02/13/22 |
23321 |
Aviator, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
B |
25938 |
Bacchus, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
27011 |
Ballerina, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25395 |
Batman, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
24342 |
Batteries Included, Kat DeMas Mulkey - 11/25/15 |
26772 |
Bay Society, Clayton Tiedeman - 12/11/24 |
25072 |
Bazinga, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
23342 |
Beau Catcher, Mary Ruth Nagel - 11/30/09 |
22905 |
Beaucoup, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
24053 |
Believe, Emily Ballar Weeks - 11/30/09 |
25447 |
Belissima G, Kat Green - 01/11/25 |
24427 |
Belle of the Ball, Emilee Arrington - 04/30/11 |
25183 |
Bellisimo, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26970 |
Ben There Done That, Louise McKillop - 11/26/24 |
26422 |
BenDeLaCreme, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25497 |
Bending the Rules, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
26538 |
Benjamin, Lydia Callard - 12/12/24 |
25277 |
Berlinetto, Ashley Vail Aycox - 12/08/16 |
26812 |
Best Foot Forward, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
24280 |
Better By Design, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
25804 |
Bewitched, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
26057 |
Beyond the Limit, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
26448 |
Big, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26304 |
Big Bang Theory, Scott Armour - 07/19/16 |
25509 |
Big Time, Michaela Ray - 11/30/19 |
26589 |
Billy Houston, Mya Borysiak - 12/18/23 |
24677 |
Black Eyed Susan, Emma Grace Allen - 11/14/13 |
24059 |
Black Tie, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25610 |
Black Tie Affair, Jennifer Buck - 12/18/12 |
23080 |
Bling Bling, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
23546 |
Blink, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
26863 |
Bliss, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
23730 |
Blue Irish Storm, Nan Buckner - 11/22/24 |
24907 |
Blue Jeans and Pearls, Elizabeth Shutt - 02/19/14 |
23593 |
Blue Sprinkle, Lauren Rasmus - 11/30/09 |
27014 |
Bluecifer, Jaycee Martinson - 01/06/25 |
26889 |
Bocephus Jr, Emma Katz - 11/21/24 |
24122 |
Bolero, Julia Curtis - 11/30/09 |
25168 |
Booker, Jamie Lynne Weiss - 11/25/24 |
26441 |
Boom Box, Eda Orgen - 12/03/24 |
26770 |
Born to be Wild, Louise McKillop - 11/26/24 |
26736 |
Bourbon, Jennifer Morris - 01/05/21 |
22807 |
Break the Bank, Linda C. Coleman Thornton - 11/30/09 |
25729 |
Brighton, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
24698 |
Brighton My Day, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25062 |
Bronson CR, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
25627 |
Brownland's Know it All, Susan Kimball - 12/01/24 |
23454 |
Brownland's Miss Sissie, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
25020 |
Brownwood Apache, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
24778 |
Brownwood Benjamin, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
22953 |
Brownwood Derby, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
22659 |
Brownwood Katrina, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
24599 |
Brownwood Lacey, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
24008 |
Brownwood Silk Screen, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
26598 |
Bruno, Lauren Startup - 01/14/22 |
23021 |
Buckdance, Emily Baker - 01/05/11 |
24175 |
Burberry, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
26144 |
Burlesque, Averie Rykman - 01/22/24 |
25331 |
Burn Notice, Tiffany Sumpter - 01/01/23 |
C |
24717 |
C-Ya, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
27003 |
Cadence, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25751 |
Cadlan Valley Stardust, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
27004 |
Caelus, Abigail Phillips - 12/05/24 |
25844 |
Cafe Mocha, Lindsay Haselden - 12/29/24 |
26980 |
Cairo, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26159 |
Caleo, Jane Podrazhansky - 11/02/24 |
25278 |
Calisto, Ashley Vail Aycox - 12/08/16 |
26629 |
Calmeo Msk Z, Taylor Jesel - 01/04/22 |
25730 |
Calvaro, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
22528 |
Calypso, Emily Ballar Weeks - 11/30/09 |
26564 |
Camboro, Megan Thiel - 03/01/24 |
24805 |
Cameo, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
24389 |
Camera Ready, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26293 |
Camilla, Ansley Sparks - 11/28/24 |
25753 |
Campari, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
24884 |
Can't Buy Me Love, Anne Patrick - 11/26/24 |
24548 |
Can't Keep a Secret, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
24749 |
Can't Touch This, Sydney Hannon - 12/01/11 |
23563 |
Canaille, Taylor Land - 11/30/09 |
24997 |
Cape Capital, Susan Friedland - 11/13/16 |
25241 |
Capstone, Kathleen Feeley - 11/30/09 |
26643 |
Captain WH, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
24929 |
Captivate, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26421 |
Captivating, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26785 |
Carmelito Blue, Colby Clifton - 11/21/24 |
24077 |
Caruso, Kelli Gibson - 12/03/24 |
24457 |
CasaBlanca, Cha Cha Parmer - 08/23/11 |
23828 |
Cascadoer (Life) |
26030 |
Caskari, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25867 |
Cassano, Mia Bakotic - 01/12/25 |
23372 |
Cassia Catalina, Taylor Land - 11/30/09 |
25566 |
Cassico, Rebekah Warren - 11/30/09 |
26177 |
Cause for Applause, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
22120 |
Cavalry's Toy Soldier, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
23153 |
Cee Me Dancing, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
26515 |
Centaurus, Susan Kimball - 12/01/24 |
26799 |
Central Star, Melissa Morris - 01/02/25 |
26090 |
CF Man of Primetime, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
25375 |
CF Moonbeam on Rivers, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
25640 |
CF Patton Pending, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
26668 |
Chabalito, Josie Evans - 11/12/24 |
22740 |
Chairman of the Board, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
26966 |
Chalito PS, Harshini Bala - 12/03/24 |
23966 |
Champagne Twist, Cha Cha Parmer - 08/23/11 |
26399 |
Chanson D’Amour, Adelyn Miller - 12/09/24 |
26238 |
Chappalo, Payton Ryan - 11/20/21 |
25239 |
Charisma, Jordan Carlson - 07/09/19 |
26514 |
Charlie Gulch, Caitlin Burgess - 12/06/24 |
26817 |
Charming, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25764 |
Cheeky, Arden Stromnes - 10/20/24 |
26915 |
Cherrybrook Show Me Love, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
25607 |
Chic in Time, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
25969 |
Chinook, Alison Courtney - 12/23/21 |
25235 |
Chipetto, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25350 |
Choccolocco, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
22750 |
Chocolate Moose, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
25542 |
Chubba the Wubba, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
26348 |
Churchhill Blue, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
27005 |
Churchill 56, Brooke Rubio - 08/06/20 |
24830 |
City of Angels, Alliah Kassem - 01/07/12 |
23886 |
Clanfair Silver Wish, Ben Walter Goggel - 11/30/09 |
26016 |
Clapton, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
26003 |
Clark Kent, Sydney Hannon - 12/01/11 |
26420 |
Classical, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25781 |
Classico, Harshini Bala - 12/03/24 |
26988 |
Classique, Lauren Hancock - 11/06/24 |
25927 |
Clemens Z, Madison Beavers - 03/05/16 |
26431 |
Clifden Vertigo, Michaela Ray - 11/30/19 |
25438 |
Cloud Nine, Jenny Vanderslice - 11/30/09 |
26533 |
Clubman II Z, Delaney Williams - 12/09/24 |
26549 |
Code Red, Adriana Castro - 12/04/24 |
25434 |
Cointreau, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
26264 |
Color Coded, Karsyn Edmondson - 01/07/25 |
23629 |
Colour Coded, Madison Beavers - 03/05/16 |
26615 |
Coming Up Royal, Mary Jane Block - 12/02/24 |
24360 |
Con Carry, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26797 |
Con Couer, Amelia Schoenfeld - 11/04/24 |
24274 |
Concierge, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
26378 |
Confidant, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26397 |
Confidant, Sofia Hall - 11/25/24 |
26672 |
Conte Bellini, Rebecca Smith - 12/05/24 |
26818 |
Cool Melody, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
26815 |
Corleona, Payton Ryan - 11/20/21 |
26944 |
Cornets Karl, Lauren Palko - 11/30/09 |
26581 |
Corona Interest, Colby Clifton - 11/21/24 |
25968 |
Corsair, Avery Smith - 12/12/24 |
26035 |
Cosmo, Rowan Bomar - 12/01/24 |
26936 |
Cossette, Rowan Downie - 12/13/24 |
26224 |
Cotes du Rhone, Abigail Phillips - 12/05/24 |
25870 |
Cotton Candy Cutie, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
22168 |
Count Me In, Jeanette Clark - 11/30/09 |
24938 |
Countdown, Emma Grace Allen - 11/14/13 |
26618 |
CR Arkomedes, Kendall Barth - 11/25/24 |
26830 |
Cross My Heart, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
26900 |
Crossroads Quality Chip, Megan Thiel - 03/01/24 |
24582 |
Crowd Pleaser, Maggie Wolfe - 12/05/24 |
24979 |
Cruise Control, Kat DeMas Mulkey - 11/25/15 |
26542 |
Crystal Key, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26773 |
CT L-Caletto, Libba Fisher - 11/30/09 |
27017 |
Custom Made, Harper Wiseman - 01/08/25 |
24119 |
Czechmate, Maggie Diehl - 07/09/19 |
D |
25572 |
D'Artagnan, Melissa Morris - 01/02/25 |
23927 |
D'Lovely, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
24692 |
Da Matta, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
22681 |
Daddy's Last Buck, Chandler Wood - 11/30/09 |
26571 |
Daham, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
24497 |
Damon, Libba Fisher - 11/30/09 |
25105 |
Dancing to the Blues, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
26806 |
Davinci, Molly Welborn - 12/07/17 |
24383 |
Day at the Beach, Lily Bennett - 11/11/10 |
25693 |
DB Khereym, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
25381 |
Dealers Choice, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
25762 |
Deauville, Delaney Williams - 12/09/24 |
26520 |
Debonair, Kathleen Feeley - 11/30/09 |
26320 |
Debonair, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
24344 |
Debonaire, Cha Cha Parmer - 08/23/11 |
26004 |
Deja Vu, Ral-Star LLC - 11/27/20 |
26153 |
Dembele VDL, Magnolia Thompson - 01/04/25 |
24626 |
Denali, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
26872 |
Details Required, Valeria Sloan - 01/08/25 |
23835 |
Devon, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
23353 |
Dewey Can Do, Susan Kimball - 12/01/24 |
25590 |
Dewey Can Too, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
25352 |
Dial Up, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
23784 |
Diamond In The Ruff, Druanne Roberts - 11/30/09 |
25939 |
Dibz, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
26855 |
Dilara Van De Kattenberg, Katherine Stokan - 12/30/24 |
27018 |
Dino, Heather Hayes - 06/08/13 |
25303 |
Dipped in Chocolate, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
26160 |
Divace, Lexander Farm - 08/27/20 |
27019 |
Djumandji De L'if, Megan Hopkins - 01/11/25 |
26950 |
Domino B Z, Paige Riker - 11/29/24 |
24440 |
Donatello, Stella Prescott - 11/30/09 |
22435 |
Donovan, Lori B. Day - 11/30/09 |
25456 |
Dorrvondi, Ashley Vail Aycox - 12/08/16 |
24206 |
Downtown, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
25937 |
Downtown, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
26614 |
Dragonfly Orion, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
26640 |
Dreamcatcher, Trephina Galloway - 12/03/24 |
24120 |
Dress Code, Julia Curtis - 11/30/09 |
25943 |
Dressed Up, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
26452 |
Dublin, Rebecca Smith - 12/05/24 |
25717 |
Due North, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26036 |
Duplicate Copy SF, Joan Fontes - 12/30/24 |
25817 |
Durgane, McCaela Born - 01/01/24 |
E |
26874 |
Echelon, Saylor Bell - 12/06/21 |
26583 |
Ecstatic, Ruth Thompson - 01/04/25 |
26340 |
Edelweiss Fan 'E Five, Mya Borysiak - 12/18/23 |
26729 |
Egerano V, Charlotte Lindsey - 11/26/24 |
26411 |
Eilan del Maset, Ral-Star LLC - 11/27/20 |
23605 |
Elite Champagne Wishes, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
23686 |
Elite's Cruise Control, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
24061 |
Ellington Lane, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26864 |
Eloquent HBF, Lucy Smith - 11/22/24 |
27006 |
Emily 183, Crispin Kingrey - 10/19/24 |
24132 |
Empire, Elizabeth deGolian - 12/14/11 |
26763 |
Empire’s Sweetheart, Mary Jane Block - 12/02/24 |
25469 |
Emporio, Cathy Reed - 12/01/17 |
26186 |
Enchanted, Druanne Roberts - 11/30/09 |
26294 |
Enchanted, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26793 |
Encore, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
26453 |
Enduring Honor, Joy Nakrin - 02/25/22 |
23125 |
Englestern, Cha Cha Parmer - 08/23/11 |
25360 |
Enthusiastic, Jennifer Buck - 12/18/12 |
23528 |
Enticer, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
25940 |
Esco, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
25976 |
Esoteric, Krissy Wilson - 11/30/09 |
26541 |
Esperanza Mia, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25274 |
Essence, Terry Brown - 11/30/09 |
22074 |
Even Keel, Lindsey Irvin - 11/30/09 |
26256 |
Evening Out, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
23754 |
Excel, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26578 |
Exceptional, Merike Pope - 02/27/22 |
26524 |
Exquisite, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
24269 |
Extra Expense, William Russell III - 12/01/15 |
F |
23058 |
Fair Promise, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
26991 |
Fair Skies, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
24026 |
Fairfax, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
26644 |
Fancy, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
23760 |
Fancy As a Clown, Jordan Carlson - 07/09/19 |
25953 |
Fantastic Voyage, Olivia Wendt - 01/11/25 |
22021 |
Farnley Winston, Judith Ripley - 11/30/09 |
24121 |
Fashionista, Julia Curtis - 11/30/09 |
25192 |
Fat Boy Harley, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
26843 |
Fate's Fine Magic, Allison Filkins - 11/20/24 |
27016 |
Fernhill Solstice, Paislee Wright - 01/02/25 |
25096 |
Ferragamo, JoAnne Finestone - 11/04/24 |
23663 |
Ferragamo, Libba Fisher - 11/30/09 |
26943 |
Ferros Clover, Karsyn Stoughton - 10/31/24 |
25724 |
Field Day, Avery Smith - 12/12/24 |
23834 |
Finale, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
23823 |
Finale's Tea Party (Life) |
26760 |
Fine Line, Kelli Gibson - 12/03/24 |
26162 |
Fine Line, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
25285 |
Finesse RF, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
26120 |
Firelight, Elle Ehman - 03/17/23 |
23820 |
First Frost (Life) |
26091 |
First Impression, Jamie Lynne Weiss - 11/25/24 |
25435 |
First Things First, Madison Keese - 12/18/24 |
22019 |
Flash Back, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
24882 |
Flo Lane, Meghan Flanagan - 11/30/09 |
26082 |
Floresco's Son, Stacey Ryan Grant - 11/30/09 |
26164 |
Fly 'N High, Kathleen Feeley - 11/30/09 |
26774 |
Fly Me To The Moon, Maddie Marold - 12/11/24 |
25151 |
Fool's Paradise, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
23607 |
Forever Blue, Nan Buckner - 11/22/24 |
25732 |
Forever So Clever, Taylor Jesel - 01/04/22 |
25760 |
Forget Me Not, Sloan Everett - 02/22/24 |
23002 |
Formal Affair, Elizabeth Lord - 02/18/14 |
25716 |
Fox Creek's Antony Quinn, Rebecca Love - 11/04/17 |
26245 |
Foxlair Arion, Ruth Thompson - 01/04/25 |
25658 |
Foxmor Lovestruck, Ava Hartman - 12/17/24 |
26662 |
FPF Hoo Me Royal Fortune, Coraline Scanlan - 12/04/24 |
26989 |
FPF Theodore, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
25406 |
Freckles, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
22069 |
Free Fallin', Liz Neville - 11/30/09 |
23352 |
Free Wheeling, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
24283 |
Free Z Frame, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
26211 |
French 75, Meredith Young - 09/28/24 |
22210 |
French Quarter, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
20423 |
From A Distance, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
26586 |
Front Page, Harper Goss - 11/26/24 |
G |
22671 |
G.I. Jane, Ben Walter Goggel - 11/30/09 |
26173 |
Galoubet Rouge, Margaret Ann LeGrand - 12/06/16 |
26831 |
Game Boy, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
24827 |
Game On, Lucinda Stewart - 11/28/24 |
23630 |
Gandolf, Elizabeth deGolian - 12/14/11 |
26240 |
Gentleman's Blue, Alyssa Morris - 02/24/21 |
23585 |
Giovanni, Adriana Cona - 02/24/21 |
24839 |
Gladiator, Ryan Kenny - 01/08/25 |
23681 |
Go the Distance, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
26960 |
Gold Mine, Harper Korte - 12/12/23 |
26779 |
Golden Opportunity, Jane Pittman - 11/30/09 |
24374 |
Good as Gold, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
26553 |
Good Fellow, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
24752 |
Good Time, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25300 |
Gospel, Lindsey Irvin - 11/30/09 |
26961 |
Gossip Girl, Ral-Star LLC - 11/27/20 |
26862 |
Graceland, Ava Hartman - 12/17/24 |
25985 |
Grand Remo, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
23621 |
Greenhaven's Christopher Robin, Courtney Broka - 11/30/09 |
26020 |
Greymeadows Vogue, Lila Kissel - 11/14/22 |
26952 |
Guinness, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
H |
27009 |
Halftime, Sienna Imeraj - 12/11/24 |
23822 |
Hallelujah (Life) |
26996 |
Handcrafted, Josie Evans - 11/12/24 |
22759 |
Hannah, William Russell III - 12/01/15 |
24268 |
Hannah Montana, William Russell III - 12/01/15 |
22605 |
Happy Go Lucky, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
25986 |
Harley D, Liz Neville - 11/30/09 |
24568 |
Harry Winston, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26636 |
Heart of Gold, Ella Dillard - 01/01/23 |
24140 |
Hearts Desire, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
26343 |
Hercules, Madison Beavers - 03/05/16 |
25712 |
Here for the Party, Donna Orban - 11/15/20 |
26596 |
Heuristic 20, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
26999 |
Hey There Delilah, Pamela Singley - 11/15/24 |
26642 |
HF Espionage, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
26649 |
HF Jett, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
25125 |
Hidden Springs Kashmir, M. Susann Bedford - 01/10/16 |
23203 |
Hidden Wings, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
26705 |
High Society, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25127 |
Hillcrest Blue Bandit, Skylar Powell - 04/01/17 |
25284 |
Hillcrest Leading Lady, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
23997 |
Hillford Smoke & Mirrors, Lauren Rasmus - 11/30/09 |
23890 |
Hillford Turning Point, Mary Ruth Nagel - 11/30/09 |
24995 |
Hillmar's Abracadabra, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
25721 |
Hillmar's Allegiant, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
24985 |
Hillmar's Capital Gains, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
24996 |
Hillmar's Double the Fun, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
23809 |
Hillmar's Drama Queen (Life) |
25330 |
Hillmar's Even Keel, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
25720 |
Hillmar's Ficarelli, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
25212 |
Hillmar's Landra 9, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
24380 |
Holly La Coqueta, Jamie Bice - 01/14/18 |
24460 |
Honey Suckle Blue, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
26890 |
Hope You Love Me, Lucinda Stewart - 11/28/24 |
24941 |
Houston, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
25993 |
Hutton, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
I |
26190 |
Ice, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
27010 |
Ideal De Briand Z, Timeless Ventures LLC - 12/12/24 |
26125 |
Ikonic G P, Mimi Hardie - 11/04/10 |
26334 |
Impression, Ava Hartman - 12/17/24 |
26336 |
In Love, Brooke Rubio - 08/06/20 |
26383 |
In the Light, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26681 |
Include the Best, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
23866 |
Incredibly Happy, Ellie Aronson - 03/25/15 |
25831 |
Indelible, Molly Welborn - 12/07/17 |
22368 |
Indiana, Jeanette Clark - 11/30/09 |
26987 |
Inouk P, Allison Bennett - 10/26/24 |
25227 |
Intrigue, Charlotte Warren - 11/30/10 |
22338 |
Irish Affair, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
23439 |
Irish Sunday, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
23615 |
Isaac, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
26623 |
Isabella, Ryan Haselden - 12/29/24 |
26199 |
Ivano S, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
J |
26813 |
Jaguar K, Krissy Wilson - 11/30/09 |
25567 |
Jaleos, Megan Thiel - 03/01/24 |
25995 |
Jamir, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
24518 |
Jennuine Blue, Nan Buckner - 11/22/24 |
26969 |
Joyous Acres Rags to Riches, Joy Nakrin - 02/25/22 |
25949 |
Jubilant, Lucy Smith - 11/22/24 |
26604 |
Jupiler DC, Heather Hayes - 06/08/13 |
24304 |
Just April, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
23341 |
Just Been Spotted, Mary Ruth Nagel - 11/30/09 |
26447 |
Just Royal, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25656 |
Just You Wait, Maggie Wolfe - 12/05/24 |
25944 |
Justamere Canary Diamond, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
23815 |
Justin Time (Life) |
K |
26461 |
K. Lily Alaain, Lauren Startup - 01/14/22 |
26217 |
Kadee Van De Blakmeers, Haley Smith - 01/23/20 |
25603 |
KAJ Amazing Grace, Jamie Bice - 01/14/18 |
26313 |
Kallisto King, Lucy Smith - 11/22/24 |
24555 |
Karabela, M. Susann Bedford - 01/10/16 |
25651 |
Karaoke Night, Camryn Kraski - 02/13/22 |
24065 |
Kardigan Bay, Heather Hayes - 06/08/13 |
23819 |
Katja Dreamin' (Life) |
24691 |
Katydid Bessame, Isabelle Aldridge - 01/06/13 |
26473 |
Kayenne, Cathy Reed - 12/01/17 |
23814 |
Kentucky Derby (Life) |
25612 |
Kilfarissey's Angel, Jamie Bice - 01/14/18 |
23413 |
Kip Teen, Elizabeth Williamson - 02/14/14 |
27008 |
Kiruso H, Olivia Walt - 12/09/24 |
26353 |
Kodak Moment, Stephanie Pa Jett - 11/24/24 |
27020 |
KS Redding, Lyla Fitzsimmons - 12/02/24 |
26834 |
Kwinn PVF, Kat Green - 01/11/25 |
L |
22260 |
L'amour, Karen Singletary - 11/30/09 |
26167 |
Lady Guinevere, Olivia Wendt - 01/11/25 |
26369 |
Lagos Van Orshof, Tonya Brown - 11/17/20 |
24671 |
Lah Te Dah, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
26997 |
Lakeways Esprit, Cora Taylor - 11/12/24 |
22107 |
Land's End First Mate, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
25975 |
Laser Z, Krissy Wilson - 11/30/09 |
25485 |
Lautrec, Jean Wessel - 07/31/14 |
26814 |
Lavish K, Krissy Wilson - 11/30/09 |
23695 |
Lead Story, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25178 |
Leggo My Eggo, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
23371 |
Leprechaun, Taylor Land - 11/30/09 |
24800 |
Let's Dance, Meghan Flanagan - 11/30/09 |
22630 |
Levantos, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
25666 |
Levi, Margaret Ann LeGrand - 12/06/16 |
23437 |
Leviticus, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
25493 |
Levland, Christina Fisher - 11/30/09 |
26556 |
Lexie, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
25620 |
Lexington, Jane Podrazhansky - 11/02/24 |
25782 |
Lexx, Mya Borysiak - 12/18/23 |
25368 |
Limboy Von Worrenberg, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
22430 |
Liquido, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
22819 |
Little Boy Blue, Elizabeth deGolian - 12/14/11 |
23824 |
Little Miss America (Life) |
25543 |
Livin the Dream, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
25770 |
Livius Van't Bijlebos, Madison Beavers - 03/05/16 |
22752 |
Long Story Short, Ally Beth Bowen - 04/02/10 |
22770 |
Look Don't Touch, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
26050 |
Lorenzo Van de Leeuwerk, Ryan Kenny - 01/08/25 |
24836 |
Love That, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
23811 |
Lucky Bid (Life) |
26723 |
Lucky Number 7, Courtney Broka - 11/30/09 |
24841 |
Lucy in the Sky, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
24096 |
Ludwig Storgaard, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
23543 |
Luminere, Emily Baker - 01/05/11 |
27012 |
Luna Dash, Harper Goss - 11/26/24 |
24948 |
Lyric, Susan Friedland - 11/13/16 |
M |
23606 |
Magellan, Courtney Broka - 11/30/09 |
24650 |
Magic Kingdom, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26891 |
Magic Mike, Susan Kimball - 12/01/24 |
26794 |
Man O' War, Kat Meier - 07/20/23 |
24477 |
Matias, Lindsey Irvin - 11/30/09 |
25734 |
Max Gallagher, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
23450 |
McDreamy, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
26801 |
Meant to Be, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26631 |
Memorable, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
26986 |
Merlin the Magnificent, Red Fox Equestrian LLC - 11/19/24 |
27013 |
Midnight Martny, Jaycee Martinson - 01/06/25 |
26976 |
Mila Mai, Summer Smith - 02/08/23 |
25904 |
Mind the Gap, Karen Boysen - 01/01/16 |
23704 |
Mini Skirt, Emily Ballar Weeks - 11/30/09 |
26052 |
Minka, Taylor Jesel - 01/04/22 |
24289 |
Minnie Pearl, Hillary Blackinton - 04/23/15 |
24499 |
Mirage, Alliah Kassem - 01/07/12 |
24881 |
Miss America, Meghan Flanagan - 11/30/09 |
24863 |
Miss Brownie Delight, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
25345 |
Miss Money Penny, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
23184 |
Mister Brown, Liz Neville - 11/30/09 |
26838 |
Montana, Anne Patrick - 11/26/24 |
26625 |
Mr DW, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
26209 |
Mr. Bojangles, Michaela Ray - 11/30/19 |
26543 |
Mr. T, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25329 |
MTM Fashionista, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
26435 |
MTM Hand Him Over, Rebekah Warren - 11/30/09 |
24766 |
Muddy Waters, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
25365 |
Mustard, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
26677 |
My Alibi, Hardymon EquestrianLLC - 02/17/23 |
23534 |
My Freetyme, Brooke Rubio - 08/06/20 |
23532 |
My Guardian Angel, Mia Bakotic - 01/12/25 |
26663 |
My Mane Squeeze, Summer Smith - 02/08/23 |
N |
26692 |
Nadinko Van Het Leliehof, Ellasen Griffith - 10/15/24 |
25947 |
Napoleon, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
25749 |
Nasdaq, Krissy Wilson - 11/30/09 |
27002 |
Natalia, Adrienne Lucie - 11/21/24 |
25324 |
Nevertheless, Caroline D. Usry - 04/26/11 |
26669 |
Next Chapter, Ral-Star LLC - 11/27/20 |
24838 |
Nicely Dun, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
24007 |
Nick O' Time, Heather Hayes - 06/08/13 |
23816 |
Nick Times Two (Life) |
23826 |
Nicodemus (Life) |
22315 |
No Doubt, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
26982 |
No Limit, Amelia Schoenfeld - 11/04/24 |
23925 |
No Question About It, Mia Bakotic - 01/12/25 |
24004 |
Nobilo, Elizabeth Lord - 02/18/14 |
26761 |
Nota Bay, Brandy Shuler - 10/24/24 |
26990 |
Noteworthy, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
26949 |
Nour Alain, Ryan Haselden - 12/29/24 |
24803 |
Numinous, Libba Fisher - 11/30/09 |
O |
25790 |
Obelix, Terry Brown - 11/30/09 |
25609 |
Ocean XI, Lauren Scherer - 02/13/17 |
22064 |
Octavian, Nickie Perrin - 11/30/09 |
23728 |
Oliver Twist, Mary Ruth Nagel - 11/30/09 |
26006 |
On Call, Susan Friedland - 11/13/16 |
26765 |
On Ice, Madison Muffley - 12/05/24 |
23356 |
Onassis, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
22208 |
One For All, Natalie Camp - 11/30/09 |
23813 |
Oompa Loompa (Life) |
26728 |
Orchard Hills Louis, Avery Auensen - 01/07/25 |
25854 |
Orion, Emma Grace Allen - 11/14/13 |
26119 |
Orion's Love, Ral-Star LLC - 11/27/20 |
26115 |
Over the River, Susan Kimball - 12/01/24 |
P |
25570 |
Palani K, Mary Jane Block - 12/02/24 |
26899 |
Pamela M, Alyssa Geluykens - 12/01/24 |
23074 |
Papillon, Emily Baker - 01/05/11 |
25199 |
Papparazzi, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26646 |
Paragon, Reese Halverson - 10/17/24 |
26835 |
Parhelion, Melissa Thomas - 12/13/24 |
26645 |
Partagas, Stephanie Treadaway - 11/16/24 |
25643 |
Partly Cloudy, Tessa Brown - 11/17/20 |
23391 |
Patch, Heather Steinman - 02/08/24 |
25171 |
Patron, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26236 |
Peace of Mind, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
25351 |
Peachy Keen, Susanne Fink/Hidden Oaks - 01/22/16 |
24162 |
Pearl, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
26423 |
Pebble Beach, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
22813 |
Pebbles, Collins Daye - 11/30/09 |
23191 |
Pepper, Emily Baker - 01/05/11 |
22771 |
Perfect Harmony, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
24022 |
Peterpotamus, Ashley Vail Aycox - 12/08/16 |
26931 |
Phil My Heart, Jennifer Buck - 12/18/12 |
25279 |
Phillipe, Ashley Vail Aycox - 12/08/16 |
24114 |
Pierre Ordinaire, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
25131 |
Pixxel Perfect, Scott Armour - 07/19/16 |
24145 |
Platinum Edition, Sydney Hannon - 12/01/11 |
22175 |
Play Station, Joan E. Keller - 11/30/09 |
23133 |
Player, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
23664 |
Playoff, Libba Fisher - 11/30/09 |
22010 |
Pocket Change, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
25130 |
Point and Shoot, Brooke Rubio - 08/06/20 |
24164 |
Point of Grace, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
25354 |
Poker Face, Jennifer Buck - 12/18/12 |
25467 |
Pompano, Lily Skidmore - 12/06/24 |
26762 |
Pourquoi, Hadley DeRue - 11/04/24 |
25978 |
Prado, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
22289 |
Precious Cargo, Ryan Reagh Woods - 11/30/09 |
25793 |
Prestige, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
25907 |
Priceless, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
26929 |
Prim & Proper Primrose, Layla Bice - 04/04/24 |
24305 |
Prima, Christina Fisher - 11/30/09 |
25121 |
Primrose Everdeen, Amy Browning - 11/30/09 |
25934 |
Private I, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
25232 |
Prosecco, Callie Hauseman - 09/01/15 |
26606 |
Protokol, Jennifer Morris - 01/05/21 |
25160 |
Puff the Magical Dragon, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
26605 |
Pumba, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
27007 |
Purple Rain, Adelyn Miller - 12/09/24 |
Q |
26594 |
Q-Pid, Adriana Cona - 02/24/21 |
24794 |
Quatro, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
26197 |
Quetzalcoatl, Jennifer Morris - 01/05/21 |
25308 |
Quicksilver Crescendo, Mia Bakotic - 01/12/25 |
26910 |
Quidam's Top Class, Brooke Rubio - 08/06/20 |
22196 |
Quilleran, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25979 |
Quintessential, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
25942 |
Quite Capitol III, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26798 |
Quite Fair, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
23831 |
Quite Frankly (Life) |
26916 |
Quoted, Amelia Schoenfeld - 11/04/24 |
R |
25784 |
Rack City, Sydney Long - 09/20/11 |
26130 |
Radetzky, Heather Tawfik - 06/20/20 |
26771 |
Raffina, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
24245 |
Reba's Rhapsody, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26958 |
Religiously, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
24574 |
Remington Steele, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25170 |
Remix, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
24602 |
Revelation, Meghan Flanagan - 11/30/09 |
22295 |
Rhapsody in Blue (Life) |
26638 |
Riddikulous, Molly Welborn - 12/07/17 |
26047 |
Rigoletto, Melissa Morris - 01/02/25 |
22237 |
Rise N' Shine, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
26296 |
River City, Mimi Hardie - 11/04/10 |
26757 |
River of Dreams, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
25044 |
Rock 'N Rolla, Mimi Hardie - 11/04/10 |
26392 |
Rock N Roll, Paige Riker - 11/29/24 |
23109 |
Rodeo, Sara McEachern - 11/30/09 |
26584 |
Rollingwoods Top Brass, Amelia Schoenfeld - 11/04/24 |
25742 |
Rollo V, Trephina Galloway - 12/03/24 |
26746 |
Romanov, Hailey Wudtke - 11/02/24 |
25500 |
Roosevelt, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
24573 |
Roosevelt, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25280 |
Rose Royce, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
25752 |
Rosemarie, Katherine Stokan - 12/30/24 |
23592 |
Rosmel's Silver Charm, Lauren Rasmus - 11/30/09 |
22601 |
Rosmel`s Hollywood, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
26858 |
Royal Mist, Sadie Brunson - 10/12/24 |
22126 |
Royalty, Jennifer Keller - 11/30/09 |
25629 |
RS Levitation, Kat Fuqua - 10/26/13 |
26637 |
Ruby Cerise, Corey Sayre - 11/04/24 |
24270 |
Rumplemintz, William Russell III - 12/01/15 |
S |
25363 |
Sabrina, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25704 |
Sage Advice, Kayla Born - 01/01/24 |
25814 |
Saint Loise, Michaela Ray - 11/30/19 |
26384 |
Saintly, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26546 |
Salano, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
24079 |
Samaritan, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
25042 |
Sandorini, Liz Hudspeth - 12/03/10 |
26601 |
Santorini, Joan Fontes - 12/30/24 |
24211 |
Santose, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26364 |
Sapheara, Delaney Williams - 12/09/24 |
25851 |
Say So, Rebekah Warren - 11/30/09 |
26521 |
Scarlett Noir, Karsyn Edmondson - 01/07/25 |
23345 |
Scout's Honor, Kaitlin Fish - 11/30/09 |
26775 |
Sea of Dreams, Lillian Wile - 12/06/20 |
24492 |
Seascape, Zoie Cook - 11/28/11 |
23817 |
Seduced (Life) |
26337 |
Sensibilities, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26221 |
SF Pericles, Kayla Born - 01/01/24 |
23517 |
Sham's Gooseberry (Life) |
25389 |
Sham's Razzle Dazzle, Ellie Aronson - 03/25/15 |
25974 |
Shanghai Du Bosc, Maggie Wolfe - 12/05/24 |
23830 |
Shenandoah Green River (Life) |
23983 |
Shenanigans, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
26651 |
Sheriff Coffee, Elizabeth Hogan - 12/17/24 |
23596 |
Shiloh's Cool Cat, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
22119 |
Shooting Star, Helen Scott Milner - 11/30/09 |
26326 |
Shore Thing, Mia Devincenzi - 11/11/24 |
26676 |
Simply Alice, Jenny Vanderslice - 11/30/09 |
22259 |
Simply Lucas, Karen Singletary - 11/30/09 |
24957 |
Skip's Shady Lady, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
23995 |
Sky Blue, Lily Bennett - 11/11/10 |
24267 |
Slim Shady, William Russell III - 12/01/15 |
25588 |
SM Mystery Machine, Megan Thiel - 03/01/24 |
25595 |
SM Wasabi San, Megan Thiel - 03/01/24 |
22366 |
Smoke and Mirrors, Margaux Nodvin/Hillmar Farm - 05/06/12 |
24987 |
Smooth Criminal, Lauren Scherer - 02/13/17 |
24756 |
Sneak Peek, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
23253 |
Snow Day, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
25726 |
Snowday, Melissa Thomas - 12/13/24 |
24200 |
Soiree, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
26385 |
Solaris, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
24618 |
Something Borrowed, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
26652 |
Southern Gentleman, Callan Gooch - 12/02/24 |
26577 |
Southern Victory, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
26544 |
Souvenir, Lydia Callard - 12/12/24 |
24233 |
Special K, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
26531 |
Speckled Star, Meera Iyer - 12/03/24 |
26413 |
Spectre 007, Ansley Sparks - 11/28/24 |
24947 |
Spellbinding, Druanne Roberts - 11/30/09 |
26468 |
Spirited Away, Megan Thiel - 03/01/24 |
25076 |
Spot On, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
25826 |
Spring Loaded, Megan Cash - 11/08/18 |
26576 |
Spur of the Moment, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
25211 |
St. Pablo, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
22919 |
St. Patrick, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
26196 |
Staros, Jennifer Morris - 01/05/21 |
26396 |
Starstruck Fairytale, Sofia Hall - 11/25/24 |
23435 |
Stately, Terry Brown - 11/30/09 |
23436 |
Status, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
26977 |
Stay Golden, Averie Rykman - 01/22/24 |
26354 |
Stella Rose, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
26352 |
Step in Time, Megan Hopkins - 01/11/25 |
26616 |
Step Up, Andrea Block - 12/02/24 |
23405 |
Step-A-Side, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
23144 |
Step-N-Out, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
23858 |
Step-N-Up, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
22238 |
Stepmania, Margaux Casey - 11/20/16 |
24017 |
Stir It Up, Meghan Flanagan - 11/30/09 |
25005 |
Strawberry Fields, Tessa Brown - 11/17/20 |
24186 |
Sublime, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
22663 |
Sugar Free, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
25821 |
Sugarbrook West Point, Ava Hartman - 12/17/24 |
27000 |
Sugarland, Allison Bennett - 10/26/24 |
23662 |
Suited for Business, Christina Fisher - 11/30/09 |
25999 |
Summer Vay-K, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
26022 |
Summerwood's Rock 'N Roll, Eda Orgen - 12/03/24 |
26748 |
Summit's Stella Luna, Sloan Everett - 02/22/24 |
26393 |
Sundance G, Dylan Klein - 12/05/24 |
26424 |
Super Hero, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25772 |
Super Star, Madison Thompson - 02/12/24 |
26158 |
Superlative, Blakely Ansley - 08/25/20 |
26661 |
Supernova, Cora Taylor - 11/12/24 |
23872 |
Surreal, Victoria Free - 12/05/12 |
26610 |
Swayze, Rorie Troemel - 11/01/24 |
26934 |
SWS Pinterest, Marie Obel - 01/01/25 |
24159 |
Sylvester, Meghan Flanagan - 11/30/09 |
T |
25922 |
Tailor, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
26321 |
Take Advantage, Haley Wilson - 01/08/25 |
25776 |
Take Two, Sydney Long - 09/20/11 |
26284 |
Talison Rafferty's Reign, Olivia NeSmith - 11/29/21 |
26759 |
Talk to Me, Betsy Aliffi - 11/19/24 |
25973 |
Tall Paul, Mary Jane Block - 12/02/24 |
26559 |
Tango With Me, Karsyn Edmondson - 01/07/25 |
23603 |
Tantieme, Emily Baker - 01/05/11 |
24455 |
Taraka, Sarah Angstadt - 04/09/16 |
23668 |
Tasty, Rebekah Warren - 11/30/09 |
26327 |
Taxi Boy, Ral-Star LLC - 11/27/20 |
22892 |
Taylor Maid, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
26329 |
Taylor Swift, Jamie Bice - 01/14/18 |
24279 |
Taylor'd To Me, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
25514 |
TBF Best Picture, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25815 |
TBF Blue Eyed Bandit, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
22424 |
TBF Ecco Bella, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25515 |
TBF In My Pocket, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25516 |
TBF Just Grand, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25520 |
TBF Show Girl, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
26198 |
Temptation, Taylor Jesel - 01/04/22 |
26019 |
Terrafino, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
21355 |
Texas Pete, Lauren Kissel - 11/12/13 |
25193 |
That's My Boy Blue, Jamie Bice - 01/14/18 |
26805 |
The Bachelor, Molly Welborn - 12/07/17 |
23167 |
The Big Easy, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
25259 |
The Case is Closed, Addison Carter - 01/12/25 |
26917 |
The Debutante, Grace Welborn - 02/21/19 |
26562 |
The Great Pumpkin, Cardyn Pace - 12/04/24 |
24257 |
The Waterboy, Julia Curtis - 11/30/09 |
26370 |
Theodoros, Saylor Bell - 12/06/21 |
26377 |
Theory, Molly Welborn - 12/07/17 |
26023 |
Third Time's A Charm, Abigail Phillips - 12/05/24 |
24212 |
Tiffany, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26995 |
Timely, Carolyn Bell - 11/11/24 |
26437 |
To the Autumn Moon and Back, Miranda Kasych - 01/02/25 |
25970 |
Tobie Van De Lufkenshoeve, Rowan Bomar - 12/01/24 |
25405 |
Total Eclipse, Carri Beach - 05/13/22 |
23124 |
Tough Intent, Emily Baker - 01/05/11 |
26985 |
Traded Coates, Madison Swann - 10/25/24 |
25301 |
Treasure, Heather Hayes - 06/08/13 |
25022 |
Triple Play, Lauren Scherer - 02/13/17 |
24349 |
Tristan's Paint by Numbers, Zoie Cook - 11/28/11 |
26511 |
Trottin’ Down Bourbon Street, Averie Rykman - 01/22/24 |
25935 |
True Enough, Madison Keese - 12/18/24 |
26751 |
True Love, Olivia Wendt - 01/11/25 |
25397 |
True Story, Kelly Sims - 07/10/19 |
25366 |
Tucker, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
22673 |
Tuff to Tell, Ally Beth Bowen - 04/02/10 |
22516 |
Tullamore Dew, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
26832 |
Turn the Tide, Margaret Slovensky - 12/09/24 |
25367 |
Twilight, Foxcroft Farm - 04/14/11 |
24173 |
Twinkle Toes, Jane Podrazhansky - 11/02/24 |
25216 |
Tycoon, Kelli Gibson - 12/03/24 |
U |
26993 |
Uapa de Olid, Christina Prato - 11/08/24 |
24793 |
UFO, Jackie Sawyer - 11/16/10 |
25852 |
Ultirate Z, Rebekah Warren - 11/30/09 |
23350 |
Unique, Liz Hirsch - 11/30/09 |
26138 |
Untold, Catherine Cram/Highfields LLC - 11/30/09 |
24552 |
Up To No Good, Shannon Betts - 11/12/10 |
26502 |
Upside, Amelia Schoenfeld - 11/04/24 |
27001 |
Uptown Girl, Harper Grace Haner - 11/29/24 |
26807 |
Uxanna, Molly Welborn - 12/07/17 |
V |
24087 |
Vampire, Elizabeth deGolian - 12/14/11 |
22209 |
Van Gogh, Lauren Kissel - 11/12/13 |
26737 |
Vega, Carolyn Duncan - 11/21/16 |
26704 |
Vegas Semilly, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25265 |
Venchy de Bornival, Sydney Long - 09/20/11 |
24621 |
Veraldea Magic Z, Sydney Hannon - 12/01/11 |
23104 |
Versace, Taylor Land - 11/30/09 |
26547 |
Violet, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
26545 |
Viscolano, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
23010 |
Vitton, Triple Creek Farm - 11/30/09 |
23547 |
Voltaire, Sarah Ward-Rupp - 11/30/09 |
23689 |
Vosmilan, Sydney Long - 09/20/11 |
W |
22440 |
Wallstreet, Kelly Carpenter - 12/11/10 |
23061 |
Warlord, Cha Cha Parmer - 08/23/11 |
24328 |
Watch Me Step, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
23867 |
Water Music, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
26210 |
WBS Moxie, Flynn Trent - 10/16/24 |
22022 |
Wellen Classic Cut, Judith Ripley - 11/30/09 |
25604 |
Wengelo's Willem, Ellie Aronson - 03/25/15 |
23821 |
West Wind's Good as Gold, Victoria Imbriglio-Barnes - 01/02/25 (Life) |
23323 |
Whiskey Lullaby, Stephanie Free - 11/30/09 |
24777 |
Whisper Jet, Roger Brown - 11/30/09 |
24885 |
White Tie, Anne Patrick - 11/26/24 |
24645 |
Whoopie, Heather Hayes - 06/08/13 |
25081 |
Why, Charlotte Warren - 11/30/10 |
26074 |
Why So Sirius, Megan Hopkins - 01/11/25 |
26319 |
Wicklyn's Princess Fiona, Janet Salem - 11/16/22 |
24058 |
Wilco, Kathleen Feeley - 11/30/09 |
26924 |
Wild Thang, Lillian Wile - 12/06/20 |
26183 |
Wildcard, RPW Show Horses, LLC - 07/23/19 |
26756 |
Wildest Dream, Beth Young - 02/02/23 |
26532 |
Will Do, Jiya Patel - 12/02/24 |
24701 |
Willow, Mia Patterson - 02/18/14 |
25601 |
Windfall Caroline, Brad Spragg - 11/30/09 |
24062 |
Windsor Stable's Hannahlea, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
24340 |
Windsor Stables Avignon, Jordan Carlson - 07/09/19 |
26710 |
Windsor Stables Black Swan, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26709 |
Windsor Stables Donovan, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26707 |
Windsor Stables Easy Does It, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26706 |
Windsor Stables Go Go Gadget, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26708 |
Windsor Stables Golden Girl, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
24988 |
Windsor Stables Pretty Savvy, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
26446 |
Windsor Stables Priyanka, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25611 |
Windsor Stables Silver Charm, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
25234 |
Windsor Stables Who Nu, Michael Britt-Leon - 01/25/22 |
24536 |
Windtanzer, Jessica Daenen - 03/23/14 |
22604 |
Winter Park (Life) |
26136 |
Winter Rain, Olivia Williams - 10/25/21 |
23812 |
Without Shame (Life) |
25822 |
Wize Guy, Donna Orban - 11/15/20 |
24908 |
Woodland's Misty Rain, Isabelle Aldridge - 01/06/13 |
23957 |
Woodrows Ring Master, Kaitlin Fish - 11/30/09 |
26789 |
Wordsmith, Allison Wise - 12/30/24 |
26536 |
Worth the Wait, Donna Orban - 11/15/20 |
25980 |
Worth the Wait, Sharon Enteen/FRS - 11/30/09 |
Y |
24735 |
Ya' Snooz Ya' Lose, Amber Watkins - 07/29/21 |
Z |
25494 |
Zanzibar, Christina Fisher - 11/30/09 |
24608 |
Zazou, Quinn Larimer - 12/16/15 |
24668 |
Zoink, Amanda Garner - 11/15/12 |
23537 |
Zoolander (Life) |